Aldo Chaparro
January 18th - February 16th, 2024
La Galería Rebelde, Guatemala City

Gallery view: "Nube" by Aldo Chaparro

Gallery view: "Nube" by Aldo Chaparro

"What do you consider fun?", Acrylic and brass, 2023. Sigle pieces.

"What do you consider fun?", Acrylic and brass, 2023

"What do you consider fun?", Acrylic and brass, 2023

Gallery view: "Nube" by Aldo Chaparro

Gallery view: "Nube" by Aldo Chaparro

Gallery view: "Nube" by Aldo Chaparro

"Inspired by true events", Aluminium and acrylic paint, 2024.

Gallery view: "Nube" by Aldo Chaparro

Gallery view: "Nube" by Aldo Chaparro

Gallery view: "Nube" by Aldo Chaparro

"Colors", acylic paint on canvas and wood, 2020.

Gallery view: "Nube" by Aldo Chaparro

Gallery view: "Nube" by Aldo Chaparro

Video installation by Aldo Chaparro
“NUBE” is a solo show by Mexican artist Aldo Chaparro (b. 1965) that inaugurates the year for La Galería Rebelde. The show exhibits his new series of paintings inspired by Dutch lifestills, mixed with a playful approach to abstraction and his usual color palette. He also shows a series of his famous stainless steel sculptures, this time as floor statues, and a new form of acrylic sculptures that appear to be as tender as the skin.
Chaparro’s work is about the relationship between materials, color, and his body. The stainless steel sculptures are almost his own height and are formed by pressing his own body into the material, shaping each part as a print of his own strength. This piece also reveals a conversation between industrial and human craft since steel is a material mostly used in the manufacture of goods but is presented as a self-portrait of the artist's intervention. The black steel reflects the rest of the exhibition, especially the series of abstract colors that form a controlled splash into the wall. For him, this canvas and acrilyc murals are paintings in themselves. Becoming a playful abstraction of his own canvases.
A new approach to painting is explored by the artist in a series of oils on linen that remind us of Dutch still lives but impact us with a pop twist in the background. His interest in art history and landscape gets catapulted in the series, as does the seriousness of his technique.
A series of colums is also part of the show, this time presenting a black totem and a light blue one, mixing the tradition of crafts with architecture, one of his other passions.
Chaparro explores form through void, matter, and the human body, using quick processes to transform prefabricated materials into unique objects. Using elements commonly used for construction, he creates forms in balance by manipulating and subtracting matter.
Exhibition design: Josseline Pinto
Photography: José Oquendo